data wall

floppy disk recycling installation

  • Tomasz Podkowa - Imagine Nation Sp. z o.o.
Installation made to show the Growth od data usage.

Installation made to show the growth od data usage.
The installation contains 693 floppy disks that equal 997,92 MB of storage capacity. In 2018 The average usage of data transfer on mobile devices was 1,1GB per day. Just to Imagine the 1,1 GB per day in every day casual it is equal to:

Surfing the web for 4440 minutes
Streaming music for 16560 minutes
Streaming SD video for 94 minutes
Streaming HD video for 26,37 minutes
Streaming 4K video for 11,24 minutes
But remember You are a multitasking human and You NEVER Do/Transfer/Stream one thing a once.

Let the data flow.